The miracle tree Moringa is a multipurpose that is native to parts of Africa and South Asia including Pakistan. It is also called drumstick tree by the British and Malunggay in Philippines In India, it is found on the foothills of the Himalayan mountains and Pakistan. This plant belongs to the family Moringaceae. It derives its name from the Malayalam word, ‘Muringa’. It is a multipurpose plant and its leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark are beneficial in one way or the other.The moringa tree grows easily in semi-arid, tropical and sub-tropical climate and is reported to be beneficial for human beings as its various parts are edible.Some of the most commonly used parts are moringa leaves and seeds. Moringa seeds and roots are used to extract oil and the flowers can be cooked and eaten.Apart from these, its bark, sap, seeds, oil, leaves, roots and flowers are used in making traditional medicine in many countries.